The Great Muddy Turkey Hunt (M)

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Black Clay Lord
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The Great Muddy Turkey Hunt (M)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:32 am

Finally, something just in time for the Holiday!

I spent most of my day working on this. Yes I took a break, but my main concern was getting this done before the Holiday tomorrow.

Pulled it off. And now I've got a Christmas themed project to do, too. Watch for that.
In Olympia, Thanksgiving is celebrated, and it is as traditional as it is in the USA. We celebrate it to give thanks to all the miracles that have lead the great continent of Olympia to being freed from the tyrannical grip of Werner; Olympia's 1st and only tyrant king. Every year, my family and I prepare a rather bountiful feast to enjoy and celebrate the day I made possible. There's always some sort of poultry to chow down on with many sides to pick.

We usually serve chicken & turkey with luscious rolls, mac 'n cheese, ham, among many other delectable goodies. There is however, one problem: The farm yard does not have any turkeys. This is a situation easily remedied. With the planned feast not being made until next week, Kestrel and her twin sister Shantelle have volunteered to go out and hunt the best turkey they could find. The aim here however, is not to kill the turkey. It is simply to capture it alive.

Everyone here knows the best turkeys thrive in the Mud Slide Forest. Getting there is the easy part. Hunting the intended prey and navigating the forest is the treacherous part. Mud slides happen at random and are always unpredictable. That's what earns that forest its name. Many a traveler will never come home from the forest without getting caught in one of the muddy traps the forest sports. This however, is not stopping Kestrel and Shantelle.

Sure, they were talented thieves, but they've a degree in hunting at least. They intend to catch a turkey or two, and so it shall be done. Kestrel and Shantelle dressed properly for the hunt, and their tan skin will help in their mission, too. "Okay, let's go over the list one more time," Said Kestrel. "Got father's net launcher?" She asked. Shantelle holds up a launcher, loaded with a bird-friendly net to bring quarry back alive. "Check." She says.

Kestrel flashed a thumbs up. "Bow & Arrows?" She then asks. Shantelle held up 2 long bows with 2 quivers packed with arrows. "Got those." Shantelle says. Kestrel nodded. "Bird seed for bait?" She proceeds to ask. Shantelle gave a shrug this time. "No check?! Where's the bait?!" Asked Kestrel, as angry as an alligator. Shantelle sheepishly twiddled her fingers. "I, uh... left it in the barn..." Sheepishly said Shantelle. "Then go there and get it!" Snapped Kestrel.

Shantelle yelped and ran off to fetch what was needed. The twins do get along, more so than usual. Rarely ever does tension rise between the two. When it does, it's usually when Shantelle makes a mistake on something, but these are usually, and always will be; minor disputes. Shantelle soon returned. "I got the bird seed." She said. Kestrel nodded, smiling warmly. "Great, we're ready then." Kestrel said. With that, the thieves make for the forest.

The two didn't walk far to reach the Mud Slide Forest. It was a stone's throw away from the Peat Forest, but bordering the Bubbling Clay Swamp, which is said to be home to one of Olympia's Big 5 monsters: The Venomtooth Hugger. The swamp however, was not their destination. Entering the forest, Shantelle and Kestrel start browsing for signs of turkeys foraging about. They're in luck. Turkeys are plentiful today.

Kestrel and Shantelle stake out a hiding spot and go there. There were at least a few present that would be perfect to capture and take back. One of them had thighs as big as one's hands, and its legs were big and meaty. Although again: What turkeys they target will not be taken back to meet an axe. Instead, they'll have some cells taken to grow the meat instead. They have little siblings who will want these birds alive on the farmyard.

And there's no denying them that right of having living animals on the farm. "All right, put out the bait." Said Kestrel. "How much should I put out?" Shantelle asked. "I don't know, however much you think is appropriate." Kestrel replied. Shantelle proceeded to take a handful of bird seed and sprinkle it out onto the open pasture in front of them. This drew in at least 5, maybe 6 turkeys. They all started pecking at the seeds laid out.

Kestrel prepared the net launcher and took aim as the turkeys gobble up the seed laid out. Taking aim, she fired a net at the quarry in front of her. The net she fired snagged 2 turkeys, but the others panicked and fled. Those caught were then beamed back home. "Agh, I only got 2 of them." Growled Kestrel. But there's still time to catch more. After waiting a moment for the turkeys to return and eat more bird seed, the 2 move on.

That's because the only birds attracted this time were smaller birds. Not what Kestrel and Shantelle are after. Shantelle soon spotted the other turkeys again. There was no need for bait this time however. They were munching on something from the forest itself: Long grass. Shantelle moved to a spot where she cannot be detected easily, but kept her guard up. As this was a forest, there were bound to be predators.

In case there were any about, both thieves had their swords & daggers handy. The proper weapons for a thief, there were no better ways to cut open satchels and make off with what's inside. As Shantelle takes aim, the turkeys fly off. "What the?" Shantelle opened up. "Was I not downwind enough?" She asked herself. "Maybe, maybe not." Kestrel replies. But Shantelle was perfectly downwind, and the turkies didn't sense her.

Suddenly, there was a quake shaking the forest. "Ah! Earthquake!" Shantelle exclaimed. And before both girls knew it, there was a mud slide, and they were in its path. As mud washed over, they were carried off by it, being sent to another part of the forest. The flow stopped short of the forest edge. Both thieves emerged from the pile of mud, all muddied head to toe. Kestrel shook a little, some of the mud came off.

"Blast it..." She cursed. "That mud slide carried us away from our hunting spot!" Shantelle spotted a way back to where they were several seconds ago. "We can get back to our spot that way." Shantelle said. "Good. Let's get going." Kestrel replies. Both head down the path Shantelle spotted. Along the way however, they stopped by a river and cleaned themselves off completely. After drying off, they resumed their trek.

They were soon halfway back to where they were prior to being swept away a little. Shantelle however, net launcher at the ready, spotted 2 of the turkeys that got away prior to the quake that lead to one of the mud slides. Shantelle quietly got closer, took aim, and fires a net, catching 2 more of the birds. They are promptly beamed back home once safely ensnared. "That's a good shot." Kestrel stated.

"And praise be to father's automatic beamer nets that transport catches back to the house if needed." Shantelle stated. She then started to go downward into the earth itself. Steadily. Shantelle looked back to Kestrel, noticing how she seemed to be elevating up. "Uh, Kestrel? Are you growing, or am I shrinking?" Shantelle asked. Kestrel scoffed. "Please." She said. "There is no way we can be taller, or shorter than each other."

Kestrel spit to the side. "There is but only one way that can happen," She says. "And that's if you were standing in..." She and Shantelle look down to what Shantelle's standing in and both exclaim "Quickmud!" Kestrel shook her head some. "Good grief, is that clumsy fat butt of yours always getting into such predicaments?" She scournfully asked then. Shantelle's face turned a bright red as she plopped her hands on her butt.

"My butt's not fat!" She exclaimed. "I'm just pudgy!" "Uh huh, sure." Kestrel said with sarcasm. "And that'll help you float, along with your fat belly as an extra floater." She taunted. "SHUT UP!!" Shantelle shouted, while stomping angrily on the mud's surface, making her plunge to knee deep instantly. Kestrel however, was quick to change her tone. "Oh calm down." She says. "I'm not about to let you get swallowed by mud."

Shantelle settled down upon hearing this. "You promise...?" She then asked. "Whole heartedly." Replied Kestrel, who proceeded to hold her hand out to her. Shantelle grabbed Kestrel's hand and the latter started pulling Shantelle. But the quickmud was so gripping that, after it seemed like Shantelle would be freed instantly, it snapped her back into her holding place, and dragged Kestrel along with her. Now both girls were stuck.

"Sheesh! What sort of quickmud's got you?!" Kestrel asked, in an annoyed tone. "How should I know?" Shantelle asked back. The force that pulled Kestrel into the mud made the twin thieves dock their breasts against one another. Both were blushing deeply from this, but for Shantelle, it was from embarrassment. For Kestrel, it's mostly from being flustered. She was quite close to Shantelle, this is true indeed.

But, she didn't want to be this close. Kestrel felt awkward about it, but Shantelle felt a bit spellbound. The quickmud was so sticky, it felt tight around the thighs. And it did. As the mud sucked the two down, Kestrel and Shantelle contemplated their options. Both are fortunate that their equipment was still present, and within reach. "Maybe we can use our bows to make a vine rain down." Kestrel suggested.

"What's the hurry though?" Shantelle asked. "Huh?" Kestrel asked back. Shantelle wiggled her hips somewhat. "It's warm in here... The turkeys aren't going anywhere..." She went onto say. Shantelle docked her breasts onto Kestrel's again, pressing lightly. Kestrel's flustered feelings rose slightly. "Aw, crap! Did you fall for the mud's spell?" Kestrel then asked. "Is that a problem?" Shantelle asked back.

Kestrel wanted to say it was a problem. Her intention was to catch at least 6 turkeys and head back home. Clearly, she did not count on falling prey to quickmud, or her sister being so... Flirty, while stuck in it. Her mind seemed to be settled on going deeper instead of the turkey hunt they were on. Kestrel tried her hardest to try and get Shantelle back to her normal senses. For the moment though, it was pointless.

Nothing Kestrel did worked. "Come on, Shantelle!" Kestrel exclaimed. "Indulge in your fantasies later!" But Shantelle seemed lost in her fantasy. She was no mudlark; this is true, but Shantelle was still more receptive to the feeling of mud than Kestrel. By then, both girls were butt deep, and Shantelle removed her top, along with Kestrel's. Kestrel soon had her sweetspot hit in the quickmud despite her resistance.

This made Kestrel settle down, and let the mud take her down. "Maybe a few minutes..." She finally says. "Good..." Shantelle simply said. And it was a rather cool day, too. The warmth of the mud would re-energize the two for resuming their mission. Still, Shantelle took a lead for this as she brazenly docked her breasts on Kestrel's more. They were both E-Cups, so it was of equal advantage. Yet Kestrel didn't try pushing back.

She just sort of let Shantelle do as she pleased, but would indeed push her back some if ever she felt she got a little too close. As the quickmud swallowed both girls' butts, Shantelle took Kestrel's hands firmly in a sort of sinking dance. Kestrel had no idea why Shantelle was trying to dance with her in the sucking mud, but... She nonetheless went with it as Shantelle looked happy, and it was for the best to keep her happy.

The mud now sucked on their exposed tan bellies. Shantelle seemed to do a belly dance. And Kestrel went with it, as usual. "What is it about the mud of this continent..." Kestrel says. "That just enraptures you...?" She then asked. "Magic..." Shantelle blurted. "Maybe it's magic..." Kestrel shrugged, doubtful it could be magic alone. Their dancing soon had them at their breasts. Shantelle seemed to regain some sense now.

"Kestrel..." She said. "We need an escape line..." "Get one of the bows..." Kestrel replied. Shantelle went and reached for the supply convoy brought. She's in luck. A bow was just within reach, and an arrow was ready. Having also grabbed a vine nearby, Shantelle tied it to the arrow and gave the bow to Kestrel. Taking aim, she nocks the arrow, and fired it at the sturdiest fallen log visible. Now they've an escape line.

And not a moment too soon either. Kestrel and Shantelle both have their breasts being swallowed. But instead of just getting out immediately, they essentially let the quickmud swallow them entirely. "Kestrel...?" Shantelle said. "What is it...?" Asked Kestrel. "Can we come back... on more free time...?" Shantelle openly asked. "...Sure..." Answered Kestrel. This just made Shantelle smile.

Both thieves were soon chin deep, with their heads tilted back. Without any fight left, the quickmud fully consumes Kestrel and Shantelle. For a moment, only bubbles remained, but not for long as Kestrel and Shantelle broke the surface, with the former grabbing hold of the vine used to served as their lifeline. Kestrel emerged from the quickmud, again fully muddied, bringing Shantelle with her, also fully muddied.

Kestrel works hard to get herself and Shantelle out. It wasn't all that easy though. Both put up a fight against the quickmud. "Come on, work with me girl!" Exclaimed Kestrel. "I'm trying!" Shantelle barked back. It took some effort, but at last both girls were freed from the quickmud, grabbing their discarded tops in addition. Kestrel and Shantelle soon spot the remaining 2 turkeys that they were intent on catching.

But, they soon decide that they've already caught 4 and 4 was plenty. More than enough to gather cells to grow the turkey meat needed for Thanksgiving. Gathering their things and returning to the river they bathed in earlier and cleaned off completely a 2nd time before putting their tops back on and headed for home. Once back at home, they were greeted by the sight of the 4 turkeys now residing in the farmyard for the time being.

It's soon seen the 4 they caught were, all this time; had issues with their wings and had Kestrel and Shantelle not caught them, these turkeys would surely have not made it as easily. Thus, the 2 they left behind was a smart move made. "I guess we're having turkeys on the farm from now on." Said Kestrel. "Our siblings will be thrilled, that's for sure." Shantelle said. So they basically completed a double standard.

They caught turkeys to raise to make lab grown turkey meat, and the farm gets turkeys to nurture in safety from here on out. Both know that this Thanksgiving will have a plentiful feast now, and they certainly can't wait, along with everyone else in addition. Now, if only other worlds followed with what Olympia does for Thanksgiving meals...

Kestrel & Shantelle: Me
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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Re: The Great Muddy Turkey Hunt (M)

Postby DJlurker » Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:10 am

The sinking was descriptive, but I’m not sure about the potential incest angle.

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Black Clay Lord
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Re: The Great Muddy Turkey Hunt (M)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:32 pm

DJlurker wrote:The sinking was descriptive, but I’m not sure about the potential incest angle.

The potential's always non-existent. I wrote it as it is in a more playful tone.
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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Re: The Great Muddy Turkey Hunt (M)

Postby DJlurker » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:00 pm

Black Clay Lord wrote:
DJlurker wrote:The sinking was descriptive, but I’m not sure about the potential incest angle.

The potential's always non-existent. I wrote it as it is in a more playful tone.

Oh, good to hear. Working on a new QS story as we speak. ;)

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Re: The Great Muddy Turkey Hunt (M)

Postby SinkerCutie » Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:50 am

DJlurker wrote:
Black Clay Lord wrote:
DJlurker wrote:The sinking was descriptive, but I’m not sure about the potential incest angle.

The potential's always non-existent. I wrote it as it is in a more playful tone.

Oh, good to hear. Working on a new QS story as we speak. ;)

Something about Black Clay Lord is that there is no incest in his stories. Yuri, maybe, but not incest. Though I have yet to see actual yuri in his stories. The closest I've seen is with Katsuragi groping Asuka...which she is known to do, anyway.

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